20| Wedding Announcement

"I instruct you to recruit 15 cooks for the food preparation of the new garrison soldiers," I announce, jotting down the details in the ledger. "I have reviewed the monthly salary status of all workers. Their salaries will be disbursed from the treasury tomorrow," I add.

"Maharani, we require additional maids in the palace," Mahitha, the head maid, addresses me.

Additional maids? This place has over 500 female staff just for daily duties, not even counting the male staff, the ones handling the garrisons, and those in the additional palace. And they're still short on help. What's going on here—are they just overwhelmed with tasks, or is there some serious mismanagement?

"Give me detailed info on why you need more maids and where the shortages are. I want to review the current staff and their workloads first before arranging for any new recruits," I put forth the condition.

"As you wish, Maharani," she responds with a respectful nod of her head.

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