23| Flames of Obsession

"Your Majesty, as per your order, a battalion is prepared to journey to the borders of the Krita Kingdom," Ugrasena informs me with a bow.

"Escort them at first light," I command, my eyes scanning the final parchment. "And send five soldiers from my Divya Sena to accompany them."

"As you wish, Maharaja," he affirms.

"Maharaja," I turn my attention to Vibhiraj. Giving him a nod of acknowledgment to proceed, I shift my focus back to the document. "Our ministers have proposed additional development projects for our capital kingdom and other domains. We are preparing drafts to outline the specifics already."

I hum thoughtfully while putting stamps on the drafts in my hand. "Once you've got them finalized, bring them to me. And get started on these three right away," I hand him the documents. "The dam project comes first—make it a priority before anything else. Funds will be allocated from the treasury soon enough, but I expect top-notch work. The welfare of my people depends on it."

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